At Arbour Wealth Inc., we believe that a financial plan doesn’t need to be complex and cumbersome, in fact, the basic tenants that form the plan can and should be easily understood.


For clients, the formula is simple:

  • Spend less than you make
  • Put that difference into a combination of debt reduction and savings/investments using the most fitting and tax effective investment choices
  • Diversify to reduce the risk of your investment portfolio
  • Equip yourself with the most appropriate insurance products to help protect you and your family's financial security from unexpected death, disability or critical illness
  • Stick to the plan – the plan needs to be flexible but it’s not based on fluctuation
  • Finally, continue to adjust the plan as your means increase, often peoples’ experience is that their circumstances can improve due to an increase in personal income or additional cash flow that comes from debt being paid down, mortgages ending, kids growing and leaving home or any financial changes such as inheritance that provide you with surplus dollars – these circumstances should all be given strategic consideration and evaluation with us.

Arbour Wealth Inc. partners will discuss the priorities you have and will select the most prudent products to best help you meet your goals.

Finally, we review our progress and plans on a regular basis to see that you’re on track or, if not, what changes we need to make if your plans have changed since they were originally set.

"Financial planning, I believe, is not exclusively about retirement planning or investing or even portfolio management. If distilled to its purest elements, this discipline is more accurately understood as one that involves applying guiding principles to deal with our past, present and future finances.

Our past - because some of us may be carrying the baggage of yesterday's excesses that are costing us our future happiness and financial well-being; our present - because now is the best time to act and change course toward a better destination; and our future - because each of us is entitled to dream of a better tomorrow." ~ Rajen Devadason



We are focused on helping you achieve financial independence


Identify and discuss any roadblocks to achieving your goals


Review and monitor your financial security plan regularly